Rating: 1 Star
TV stars and survival experts embark on a journey and find a folklore creature, The Jersey Devil, but as the duo investi...
In a trashy horror movie, a young man and his friends visit his disabled uncle. Their mundane trip is interrupted by a n...
When Detective Steve Lambord begins to investigate his daughter's death, he discovers a closet full of videotapes, each ...
In the rural town of Wickenhaven, a psychotic tanning salon owner is responsible for the disappearances of many young, i...
This inspiring story challenges Christians to reflect on their faith and purpose, while also highlighting the extraordin...
Humans no longer dream. Now man-made, they are sold in supermarkets, drug stores, and fueling stations. Certain dreams a...
James Moyo stole a computer hard disk containing classified data from Julius, an act that led to his untimely death, off...
Witness a tight-knit community come together to address the challenges facing their small town. With compassion and dete...
Jack Jonah was a remarkable teen with aspirations for a bright future. However, on April 6, 2016, he tragically became a...
Centered around a Harry Potter convention in 2011, this thought-provoking documentary asks, just what is so magical abou...
Written and directed by ER’s Lily Mariye, this gritty, sexually frank coming-of-age story has won 11 awards. Set in in...
Set in South Philadelphia, A Rose on Ninth Street follows Bob O'Conner as he faces corruption, crime, and love. Torn bet...