Hercules Collection

Mole Men vs. the Son of Hercules (1961)
Trashy Classic Sci-Fi film ahead! Maciste arranges for himself and his new friend Bangor to be captured by a mysterious ...
Hercules and the Captive Women (1963)
Trashy Classic Fantasy film ahead! The ever-intrepid world-trotting hunk of a man, Herc, saves a beautiful maiden from t...
Hercules Unchained (1960)
Trashy fantasy warning! En route to Thebes for an important diplomatic mission, Hercules drinks from a magic spring and ...
Son of Hercules In The Land Of Darkness (1964)
Trashy Classic Sci-Fi film ahead! Argolese saves Telca, daughter of King Tedaeo, from a marauding lion. In gratitude the...
Hercules (1959)
A classic, highly rated trashy film. Hercules, the Greek demigod and superman, arrives in the ancient Greek kingdom of I...
The Devil Of The Desert Against The Son Of Hercules. (1964)
Trashy Classic Fantasy film ahead! Ganor, the leader of the Desert People, murders Sandor, the Sultan of Baghdad, and im...
The Fury of Hercules (1963)
Trashy Classic Fantasy film ahead! In a tyrannical kingdom, there is an evil ruler and a queen who lusts after Hercules,...